A PDF version of the statutes can be found here.

Article 1: Name and Seat

Under the name of “Feldenkrais European Training Accreditation Board Council”, the "EuroTAB Council" for short, exists an association according to the articles 60 and following of the Swiss civil code of law (Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch). The seat of the association is Bern, Switzerland.  

Article 2: Functions and Purposes 

The aims of the EuroTAB Council are to maintain and develop the training standards of the Feldenkrais Method and promote international recognition of these standards. 

The EuroTAB Council achieves this by 
  • Administering, maintaining and developing the Feldenkrais training standards and related standards, including those concerning the Feldenkrais Assistant Trainers and Trainers;
  • Administering, in regard to its aims and choices of action, the Feldenkrais European Training Accreditation Board, the EuroTAB for short, which is a committee of the EuroTAB Council accrediting trainings and certificating Assistant Trainers and the Trainers.

The EuroTAB Council does not interfere in the internal administration of members associations, groups and Guilds. Each constituent member retains its other existing functions.   

Article 3: Composition and Membership 

The EuroTAB Council is composed of recognized bodies (professional groups, associations or Guilds of different nationalities and other interested groups and individuals. Recognized professional groups, associations or Guilds may be eligible to be Full or Associate members. 


Criteria for membership
Full membership 

To be eligible for Full membership: 

  • Groups, Associations or Guilds must have a democratic process for it members. All Full members of Groups, Associations or Guilds must have voting rights and be eligible to stand for election to their Board of Directories 
  • Full membership of Groups, Associations or Guilds must be open to all Feldenkrais Practitioners and teachers of good standing, who have completed a TAB-accredited training or process and reside in the country concerned. This includes trainings taught by Moshe Feldenkrais himself as well as those he authorized the Feldenkrais Foundation to organize. 
  • Groups, Associations or Guilds must have a majority (i.e over 50%) of practitioners and teachers who have completed a TAB accredited training or process.
  • Groups, Associations or Guilds must have seven or more full members. Groups with less than seven Full members may be invited to the EuroTAB Council meetings as Associate members.
  • Groups, Associations or Guilds must have a Code of Ethics or similar and a Standards of Practice or similar.
  • Groups, Associations or Guilds must be recognized as such by each country's authorities, if required by National Law.

Full members of the EuroTAB Council have voting rights and their representatives are eligible to stand for election to the Board (BOD) of the EuroTAB Council. 


Associate members

Associate members are groups and individuals who are invited and accepted by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly for a limited period of time.

They may not vote and their representatives are not eligible for election to the Board (Board of Directors) of the Council. 


Further Criteria for membership are defined in the Internal Regulations.  


Article 4: Fees and Liability 

ETC membership fees for recognized bodies (see article 3) are determined by the number of full and associate members of that organization. Member fees are collected by the Guilds from their Associate and Full members and transferred to the ETC treasurer.

Annual fees for full and associate members are determined yearly by the ETC General Assembly as proposed by the Board (Board of Directors). Internal Regulations determine the period and method of collection. 

The liability of EuroTAB Council is limited to the association assets. The total amount of any liability fee is limited to 100 Euro. The personal liability of each member of the ETC is excluded. 

Article 5: Loss of membership

Membership may be lost through

  • resignation; through dissolution of the member association/group/Guild in accordance with its statutes when this concerns a recognized body;
  • non-payment of the fee. This will be by majority decision of the general assembly
  • infringement of the present statutes or through not fulfilling the criteria for membership according to the Internal Regulations
  • for a serious reason. This will be by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly, the member concerned having been called upon to provide explanations before the General Assembly.  
Article 6: Financial resources

The resources of The EuroTAB Council include:

  • fees and subscriptions from its members;
  • state grants from national, international and other bodies;
  • resources created in special ways including but not restricted to promotional activities and income from publications;
  • fees from groups or individuals for services rendered by the EuroTAB Council and /or the EuroTAB;
  • fines following from breach of the Internal Regulations;
  • all income compatible with its functions and purposes. 
Article 7: Bodies of the ETC 
Bodies of the ETC are
  • General Assembly
  • Board of Directors
  • Auditor
  • Commissions (for example EuroTAB)
  • Working groups 
Article 8: General Assembly 

The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the ETC. It is held at least once a year convened by the Board of Directors, who determines the place, date and agenda.  The BOD has to send out the invitation for the General Assembly to all members four weeks before the meeting in a written form together with the agenda. Both General Assembly and Extraordinary Assembly may be held remotely, e.g. by video conferencing.   

Tasks and functions of the General Assembly 
The General Assembly 
  • elects the Board of Directors and their substitutes and replacement of members vacating their positions before completing their mandate as determined by the Internal Regulations 
  • elects the revisor   
  • determines the amount of the annual fee as stated in Article 7 
  • approves the accounts for the past financial period and votes on resolutions for proposed budgets and other expenditures.   
  • deals with admissions and dismissals of members 
  • hears reports from the Board of Directors on the Council’s activities, ethical and financial position 
  • receives reports from its committees, commissions, and Guild representatives 
  • determines Internal Regulations, as proposed by the Board of Directors.   
  • considers matters placed on the agenda.   
  • decides, if ETC will be dissolved 
  • decides, how to distribute in the case of a dissolution the assets  

All Full members and Associate members may send one representative to the General Assembly. Only Full members have voting rights.   

Article 9: Voting process 

Voting by proxy and voting by correspondence are authorized. Votes are calculated on a simple majority of votes expressed by those who have the right to vote and are present or represented. 

Voting will be by secret ballot, if requested by at least one member.

Internal Regulations specify voting procedures. Only decisions with a bearing on items appearing on the agenda are valid.  

Article 10: Extraordinary Meeting of the General assembly 

An Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly may be convened by the Board of Directors, observing the formalities of the ordinary General Assembly. It has to take place also at the request of at least a fifth of those members who are entitled to speak and vote. Alteration of the statutes and dissolution of the association require an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly; such decisions require a majority of two-thirds of the members who are present or represented. Two thirds of the members at the time of the initial convocation must be present or represented. If this quorum is not achieved, a second Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly is to be convened on the same agenda, to be held not less than fifteen days after the initial one. The decisions from this General meeting, taken by a two-thirds majority, are valid whatever number of members are present and represented.  

Article 11: Board of directors

The EuroTAB Council is administered by a Board, the Board of Directors, including at least a minimum of three people.  

They are elected by the General Assembly.  

The Board of Directors may delegate to its members or others, in accordance with its needs, powers and duties. 

The Board of Directors has to manage all the current business and is representing the ETC to the the public.  

Article 12: Remuneration 

The Board of Directors shall not receive remuneration in connection with the duties entrusted to them. Only reimbursement of expenses is possible, on presentation of proof and with the agreement of the Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors by majority may call upon paid employees of the Council to attend the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Board of Directors in a consultative capacity. 

Article 13: Meeting of the Council 

The EuroTAB Council meets when convened by its Chair or by at least two of its members. A majority of the members of the EuroTAB Council must be present for resolutions to be valid. Decisions are carried by a majority vote, the Chair or his Deputy having the casting vote when there is an equal division of opinion. 

Meetings by telephone or other media without physical presence are deemed valid. This to include both, General Assemblies, and Extraordinary Assemblies. Internal Regulations determine the methods of convening and of voting. Minutes of the meetings of the EuroTAB Council must be kept.   

Article 14: Commissions 
I. EuroTAB

EuroTAB is a Committee of the EuroTAB Council, administered by the EuroTAB Council. 

EuroTAB has autonomy from the EuroTAB Council with respect to the content of its decisions based on existing policy. The EuroTAB Council oversees the EuroTAB with regard to the EuroTAB following its policies correctly. 

The EuroTAB Council advises the EuroTAB of the Council Members' interests and ratifies new policy proposals  


The EuroTAB provides a service to the Feldenkrais Community. 

This service includes: 

  • Administering, maintaining and developing standards for the training of Feldenkrais Practitioners,
  • The accreditation of training programmes and training processes, and certification of Feldenkrais Trainers, Assistant Trainers and Trainer Candidates.
  • Development of new policy drafts and proposals related to its administrative responsibilities, often in cooperation with the other Training Accreditation Boards.
  • Promotion of curriculum research and development of the Feldenkrais Method 


Structure of EuroTAB 

The EuroTAB Council appoints all members of the EuroTAB, both voting and non-voting. The voting members of the EuroTAB are from the Feldenkrais Community in those countries represented by the membership of the EuroTAB Council, and are practitioners from an TAB-accredited process and certified Assistant Trainers and/or Trainers.  

  1. The Members of the EuroTAB Council nominate Practitioner candidates
  2. The Trainer/Assistant Trainer body nominates Trainers and /or Assistant Trainers candidates and provides the EuroTAB Council with recommended choices from this list of nominees.  

The voting process takes place within the Council's General Assembly.  

EuroTAB Council may also suspend or terminate member term on the EuroTAB.  Grounds for such termination or suspension include (but are not limited to) ethical violations, violations of conflict of interest, violations of confidentiality, and any behaviour which harms the reputation of the EuroTAB or EuroTAB Council, or which impedes its functioning.  

The EuroTAB Council is responsible for the administration of these processes. 



The Chairperson is a member of a EuroTAB Council member Guild.

Declarations of candidacy for the position of Chairperson of the EuroTAB may be submitted by anyone who is a member of a EuroTAB Council member Guild, and such a person may already be a EuroTAB member. When an existing member of the EuroTAB is appointed as the Chairperson, he/she must resign from their position on the EuroTAB.

Appointment of a new Chairperson is made by the Council, upon consideration of a recommendation from the EuroTAB. 

The Chairperson of the EuroTAB may make motions, debate and vote in EuroTAB processes.  


Liaison members

The ETC and EuroTAB will appoint liaison members to attend each others meetings by mutual agreement. 


Professional services

The EuroTAB Council may hire or contract for Secretarial services, such as Office Manager or other professional services needed for the working of the EuroTAB.  These will be non-voting members, but may make motions and speak in debate in EuroTAB meetings. 


Fees and Expenditure for EuroTAB Services

The fees and other monies collected by the EuroTAB are part of the income of the EuroTAB Council. 

The EuroTAB Council has a specific bank account for the fees derived from the work of the EuroTAB of accreditation of trainings and training processes and for certification of Trainers, Assistant Trainers and Trainer Candidates. All expenses, which the EuroTAB incurs in carrying out its work, will be drawn on this account. These will include expenses from the work listed above, expenses developing new policy drafts, the promotion of curriculum research and development for the Feldenkrais Method. Any other expenses or fees, arising from the modification of the structure and activities of the EuroTAB to meet its developing functions, as agreed by the EuroTAB Council, will be drawn on and paid into this bank account.  



Treasurer of the EuroTAB Council will manage the finances of the EuroTAB. 

The EuroTAB Council Treasurer will present to the EuroTAB Council the budget and balance for this bank account annually. 

The EuroTAB Council sets the fees for the services the EuroTAB provides for the Community. 


Meetings of the EuroTAB

Meetings of the EuroTAB may take place live and by telephone, remote conferencing, and under mutually agreed upon circumstances by e-mail and by fax. Proxy votes are not accepted. 

The EuroTAB Council may modify the above structure of the EuroTAB as required to meet its developing functions. 



The auditor is nominated by the ETC General Assembly. The auditor gives an auditing report to the General Assembly  

II. Accreditation of training programs by a National Guild/National Training Accreditation Committee (T.A.C.) 

A National Guild will be granted by ETC the prerogative of accreditation of Training Programs, upon request, and under these conditions:  

  1. The National Guild appoints a Training Accreditation Committee composed of at least 3 members: 
  • 1 member from the Educational Community (Trainer/Assistant Trainer) 
  • 1 experienced Practitioner with at least 5 years of significant work experience after successful completion of FPTP 
  • 1 member of the Guild BOD. 

The member from the educational community will be recommended/indicated by the National Educational Community. The experienced Practitioner member will be appointed by the BOD, after a call for candidates and a consequent selection process. The BOD member will be appointed by the Guild Board. 

b. The composition of the T.A.C. will be communicated to the ET/ETC. Feldenkrais 

c. The National Guild will ensure no conflict of interest is present among the members of the T.A.C./accrediting committee. In such cases the Guild BOD will form an ad hoc committee for the accreditation of that specific training programme. 

d. The National Guild will follow the same accrediting procedures followed by EuroTAB. A description of the accrediting process as done by the ET Office and members will be provided, together with the necessary checklists and compliance forms. 

The Guild BOD ensures that the Guild T.A.C. will be knowledgeable about the training policies and guidelines and the accreditation procedures. 

e. The National Guild T.A.C. is to be considered as an ETC recognized Committee/Board, therefore once the National Guild has accredited a training programme, it will inform the EuroTAB, and the programme will be listed on the ET website. 

For the above reasons, the Training Program will be considered a “TAB-accredited Training”.

f. The National Guild will be entitled to the accreditation fee for a training application. 

g. The National Guild will be entitled to receive from the training organization the annual compliance fees. 50% of the compliance fees will be paid to ETC for the services provided. 

h. The initial application fee and the annual compliance fees will be the same as adopted by ET-ETC. 

i. In the event of a conflict between the T.A.C. and the training organization, the Guild will mediate to solve the conflict. If a solution is not agreed upon, ETC will act as an appealing & mediation committee. 

j. The ETC-ET office will assist the Guild in the accreditation of the first training accredited by each Guild and during the first year of that training as regards the Compliance Fees and Forms. 

k. ETC will assist and oversee the adopted procedures whenever needed and for quality assurance. 

Article 15: Internal regulations

Internal Regulations shall be established by the Board of Directors. They will be submitted for approval by the General Assembly. They are intended to determine various points not determined by the statutes, notably those concerned with internal administration, commissions, fees and objectives. This list is not restrictive

Article 16: Dissolution

Should the Extraordinary General Assembly declare dissolution, one or more liquidators are named by the General Assembly. The assets are transferred by the same Assembly to associations with similar aims and, if these are lacking, to associations which help the disabled.  

Article 17: Applicable law 

These statutes shall be construed according to and governed by the law of Switzerland. The legal venue is Bern. 

Article 18 

These statutes have been set up and have been approved by the General Assembly at the 1st November 2003. They were partially revised by the General Assembly at the 16th May 2014 and at the 15th May 2016.