The full version of the Internal Regulations can be found in a PDF format here.
1. Statutes Article 1
2. Functions and Purposes - Statutes Article 2
These will include communicating and working cooperatively with:
2.1 The Guilds:
The EuroTAB Council will provide for the European (including Israel) Member Guilds to:
- present national issues and questions for discussion.
- exchange views, ideas and proposals
- become aware and appreciate the cultural and legal differences and the common aims and circumstances within member organisations and their countries and within the European and worldwide Communities.
In a country in which there is no Guild that is a Full member of the Council, the EuroTAB Council shall take on the role of the Guild including the provision of the ”letter of agreement” (or disagreement) as required by the EuroTAB Guidelines/Policy for a training proposal.
2.2 The EuroTAB
as in Statutes Article 14
2.3 Other TABs parent/governing bodies:
EuroTAB Council will meet with other TAB Parent/Governing Bodies when appropriate. The Council will approve guidelines and policies in cooperation with other TAB parent bodies. The guidelines and policies, which have been adopted and approved for the NATAB by the Feldenkrais Guild´s Board of directors up until 4 July 1996 are approved and adopted by EuroTAB Council.
3. Composition and Membership - Statutes 3, (14)
3.1 Full Members.
Recognized professional groups, associations or Guilds/Associations, who comply with the Statutes requirements for Full membership who apply to the General Assembly for Full Membership will be accepted by a simple majority vote of the General Assembly
3.2 Standing non-voting members
3.2.1 - Associate Members
3.2.2 - TAB liaison-member: (Statutes 14 EuroTAB)
This member will be chosen by EuroTAB and confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Council
Representation of Guild Members on the EuroTAB Council meetings
A Full Guild member’s representative must be a Full member of their home guild and have completed a TAB training or process
- As proceedings of the of the EuroTAB Council are in English, representatives are able to negotiate and present the views and intentions of their guild in English
- Representatives are integrated into their Guild’s BOD to promote the flow of communication between EuroTAB Council and Guilds.
- Mandates for representatives are for a minimum of three years.
Communication between the Council and Member Guilds
After each EuroTAB Council General Assembly meeting, the EuroTAB Council will send a Summary of the meeting to member Guild BODs.
Guild Representative’s Role
1. The flow of information between the Guilds and the Council.
Guild Representatives are responsible for this and will develop clear communication structures to contribute to EuroTAB Council's efficient working.
These will include:
1.1 To their Guild
- Informing their Guild BODs of the discussions and the decisions of the Council made at live meetings, phone in conferences and by email.
- Taking Council questions, comments and suggestions to their Guild.
- Notifying their Guild BOD of proposals on which they will be requiring to vote.
1.2 To the Council
- Informing the Council about Guild issues and activities, including short reports following Guild BOD meetings and written reports to Council General Assembly meetings.
- Bringing Guild’s answers to questions and feedback on Council issues.
- Presenting Guild questions and proposals for inclusion on Council Meetings’ Agendas
- Being prepared to vote on their Guild’s behalf on proposals and issues at Council meetings.
2. Differentiating between their Guild’s and their own opinions.
When presenting opinions etc., representatives will make it clear when they are giving personal views.
3. Confidentiality.
In all communications, representatives will respect confidentiality and maintain it appropriately.
4. Fees and Liability Statutes Article 4
See No 6.
5. Lost membership - Statutes Article 5
6. Finance and fees - Statutes Article 6, 4 and 14
6.1. The financial year starts on 1 January.
6.2 Separate financial resources
The financial resources of the Council and EuroTAB are paid into separate bank accounts from which their expenses are drawn.
6.3 EuroTAB Council income
The basic income of the EuroTAB Council is the fee paid by the members in proportion to the number of their Guild Full members.
The Council can change the fees annually at a General Assembly, by a simple majority vote.
6.4 Payment of Guild fees
6.4.1 The annual fee is due on the 1 January and must pay by 1 May at the latest. The first reminder is sent on 30 June. The second reminder is sent on 1 October.
This letter will clarify the proceedings:
i. the Guild will loose its membership, if the fee is not received by the next annual general meeting.
ii. in addition, the fee for the current year is to be paid.
iii. the BOD/Executive committee is able to make arrangements with a Guild or association which has financial difficulties. This arrangement will be in the form of an interest free loan, which must be repaid within a period specified by the Council BOD/ executive committee.
6.4.2 In a country where there is no “home” Guild recognised by the EuroTAB Council, the training organisers will pay the annual “Guild fee” to the Council. When a Guild is formed in this country which is recognised by Council, the monies will be donated to this Guild.
6.5. EuroTAB fees
The incomes of the EuroTAB include
- Application fees for:
Assistant Trainers
Trainers (in connection with other TABs)
- Accreditation fees from trainings - the annual fee, called ”training fee”
The EuroTAB Council decides the fees due to EuroTAB. The Council will review them every year.
6.6 Financial arrangements for travel costs between Council members
There will be a Travel Pool to divide the costs of travel to meetings more fairly.
One representative per full member may participate in this Pool, except when a simple majority of the General Assembly decides otherwise.
7. Body of the EuroTAB Council - Statutes Article 7
8. General Assembly - Statutes Article 8
8.1 Agenda
8.1.1 Proposals for the agenda must be received at least six weeks before each General Assembly (GA).
8.1.2 The Council´s ordinary annual GA agenda will include:
i. Reports and approval from
- chairperson
- treasurer
ii. Reports from
- liaison-person to EuroTAB
- Guild representatives
- Working committees and other groups
iii. Elections of Council BOD/Executive Committee and Deputies, EuroTAB liaison-person and Auditor (Statutes Article11) as required
iv. Election and Appointment of EuroTAB Members as required (Statutes 14)
v. Approval of new members to the Council
vi. Approval and ratification of proposals from the EuroTAB and other TABs on Training Accreditation and Certification Guidelines and Polices.
8.2 Meeting structure
For a resolution to be valid half the number of the Full members of the Council must be present. If this number is not present discussions may be held, but no decisions can be made.
8.3 Election of Council BOD/Executive committee and Liaison Person to ETC.
8.3.1 The Council at a General Assembly will elect by simple majority the BOD/Executive committee.
i. A deputy (shadow) will be elected for each member of the BOD/Executive Committee.
ii. The members of the BOD/Executive Committee and their deputies shall be elected from the representatives of the full members of the Council, except in the following case:
When there are no candidates for the position of Chair, the General Assembly may decide, by a two-thirds majority vote, to accept nominations from the full membership of a guild or association who is a full member of the Council. Any such person must have graduated from a TAB accredited training or process.
iii. No Full member may have more than one person on the BOD/Executive committee.
iv. The General Assembly appoint one member to be Liaison person to Euro TAB This person will be a Full member of the EuroTAB.
8.3.2 Nomination and election procedures for the members of the BOD and Liaison person to ETC
i. A candidate has to be the representative of a full member of the Council, except as noted in 8.2.2
ii. The candidate cannot nominate him/herself.
iii. Before the nomination is made, the candidate has to agree to stand for election.
iv. The candidate is to be nominated by a proposer and a seconder, who are full members of the Council.
v. Any board member can accept nominations prior to or during the meeting.
vi. In the event of there being no nominations for a position the Chairperson will announce this to the meeting. Any arrangement agreed on by the Council must be within the legal requirements of the Statutes.
vii. Members are elected for three years. They may stand for re-election.
viii. If the representative’s term finishes before completing the term of office, the deputy will fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term. If there is no deputy, an election will be held to fill the position for the remainder of the three-year term.
8.4 Continuity and support during change over of Representatives.
i. It is the responsibility of the Council members including the members of the BOD/Executive Committee to announce his/her resignation as far in advance as possible.
ii.. The Council recommends that a person elected to become their guild or association representative has the opportunity to accompany the outgoing representative to the General Assembly.
iii. To make it possible for the two people from one Guild to attend the meeting the financial arrangements of the travel fund may be varied.
8.5 Other procedures
It is strongly recommended that if a topic arises that concerns specifically one or several members of the EuroTAB Council, the members of the BOD/Executive Committee will gather information, including information from the member(s) concerned, prior to deciding whether or not this topic should be on the agenda of a General Assembly.
9. Voting procedures - Statutes Article 9
9.1. A proposal is accepted by a simple majority of the General Assembly.
9.2. The Chairperson or his /her deputy will have a casting vote (Statutes, article 13)
9.3. A majority of two-thirds is required to elect an associate or consultant member to the Council
9.4. A Guild or Association eligible for Full membership, will be elected by a simple majority.
10., 11., 12. & 13. – See Statutes 10, 11, 12, 13
14. Commissions – EuroTAB Statutes Article 14
14.1 Terms of Office.
i. The number of terms (one term equals three years) for a EuroTAB member be limited to two consecutive terms.
ii. If a member has been appointed Chair in his/her second term, the term limit may be extended at the discretion of the EuroTAB Council for an additional term (three years) if the Council deems this necessary for purposes of continuity in the EuroTAB activities.
iii This proposal takes effect immediately and applies to all current EuroTAB members.
14.2 Quorum
i. A quorum is present when at least 4 voting EuroTAB members are present at aEuroTAB meeting, either in person or by telephone.
ii. Should only 3 voting EuroTAB members be present, one member of the EuroTAB Council's executive committee (chairperson, secretary and treasurer) may be present in lieu of the missing EuroTAB member and vote with one vote.
iii.. Should 2 or less voting EuroTAB members be present, the meeting must be
rescheduled, or the meeting must wait until more voting members arrive.
15. Internal Regulation – see line 5
16., 17. and 18. – See Stautes 16., 17., 18.